Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Rechargeable external battery for XBOXONE

Some time back when decide whether to buy which console: PS4 or XBOXONE. Place all tech specification aside, a brief consideration that came to my mind was: what? XBOXONE's controller needs external AA battery?

Recently i came across this item which i think maybe a little useful to any XBOX user that find it quite frustrating going thru the hassle of looking out for AA battery. Worst is, can't even find one....!!!

So with this, i think this help to give player a peace of mind.

So this can be replace the controller cover? Yes, it can. With a tiny microUSB port at its back, it has just becoming a PS4 with rechargeable capability

Concerning to packaging, it comes with rechargeable battery that attached with the cover itself and one microUSB to USB cable :)

Lifespan at least can be last for 1 year. Longer if put into good use.

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