About Me

Hi there, I am a ordinary guy in Singapore and gamer just like anybody else. I spent many years during my youth taking video games as my sole hobby and nothing else. I was always exited about what is the upcoming titles blah blah... although i am a professional in the working world now.

Back in those days where Nintendo and Genesis still rock, more often that not i will hang around video game shop after lesson watching other kids trying out games titles. (i guess you roughly knows old i am now...no worries, age has not kept me from keep trying out new stuffs).

So the purpose of me setting up this blog is to share with everyone who happen to drop by the information concerning game writeups(maybe) or accessories reviews that i come across with or some other hobbies which i think worth sharing with everyone else. :)

I humbly thank you for dropping by and please be patient with me as i will frequently update my post and pages.

Thank you!

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